Sep 7 2011

Out and about in Washington, Nikon P7000

Some miscellaneous images from my afternoon trip to the Whatcom museum and area.

Sep 5 2011

More pictures August 2011

Just some more miscellaneous images from my trip up to the area around the Highland Valley Copper mine two weeks ago.  I haven’t had time to go through and edit all of them yet but the delay actually makes seeing them refreshing.

Aug 31 2011

RIP photo apps.

I would like to celebrate the birth and death of photo apps all at once.  Nothing brings a fad to a quick end like overuse.  I should disclose my hypocrisy right up front, one of the first pieces of software I downloaded to my new phone was a photo app that adds that alternative process look to an image and makes sharing it online simple.  And that’s the part I really like,the ease of sharing, but not every image needs to have an added layer of  faux  film.  I’m sure that millions of pictures are yet to be taken and processed this way but a little restraint couldn’t hurt.  Now I’m off to the app store.

Aug 23 2011

Trip pictures August 2011

Just some miscellaneous images I took on my recent trip.

Aug 20 2011

Merritt BC Log yard

Aug 19 2011

Queen of the hill

That’s really only a working title, I haven’t actually named this image yet.

As is always the case with my large images a computer screen is not the intended mode of output.  So here are some detail crops to help envision the scale.

Aug 4 2011

RAW processing

So just how much processing can you apply to a RAW file, apparently quite a lot.   I took this shot and thought I liked the bluishness of the white balance but once I got it into the computer it was a different story and I wanted something different with more punch.  I really don’t think I could have successfully manipulated this image so much had it been a JPEG out of the camera.

Aug 3 2011

Sigma Dp1s compared


While I had access to the Sigma Dp1s I set up a quick comparison with my current digital cameras.  The Nikon P7000 and the Pentax K-7.  The image bellow is 100% crops from the same area.  You can see that the DP1s produces a very clean detailed file but there is just no getting around the fact that it is much lower resolution.  As for the K-7 image I shot the DA12-24 at 16mm to make it roughly equivalent in focal length.  I do have better performing lenses but I thought I would make it as fair as possible. 

Here I’ve upscaled the DP1s file to the same size as the K-7 image using photoshop to make a more directcomparison.  So in my estimation the image resolution sits somewhere between the point and shoot P7000 and the DSLR K-7.  The fixed 28mm equivelent F4.0 lens really is quite limiting but if that is what you want in a point and shoot this camera will work. 

I’ve read that the Dp1s makes a good landscape camera,

but I find it hard to see, unless your printing at a relatively small size.  The images that I did have printed seem to suggest a maximum printing size of around 11×14.  In the end I’m not so interested in whether Foveon is a better technology than Bayer filter sensors.  It is a camera that does one thing at one focal length, and that’s OK, but the market has moved on with camera’s like the Fuji x100 while Sigma has made minor updates to the same products.  As the DP series of cameras exists today it’s hard to make a valid case for purchasing one paritcularly with their high asking price.

Jul 29 2011

Around the barn in B&W

Not every image needs to have a deeper meaning, I do enjoy photography sometimes just for the mere fact of the doing.  These images fall into that category.

Jul 26 2011

De-focused again

Here are some more intentional out of focus paintings, oops I mean photographs.