Holga 120 with what was in it

I picked this Holga up at a thrift store and could see that it already had a roll of film in it. “Waste not want not” so I finished the roll and processed it. Expectations being exceedingly low there was little danger of disappointment. And the camera is yellow that is always a bonus. The film turned out to be Ilford HP5 and because I was not set up for doing black and white developing I set it aside for quite awhile.
The Lens apparently, according to the writing on its front, is optical which is good because the other option would seem to be not being a lens. 60mm for medium format is a reasonably wide field of view considering that 80mm is more of a normal focal length for 6x6cm. The results were as expected poor. The film had been in the camera for quite awhile attested to by the frame number 5 and the paper backing being burned into one image.

I had difficulty making out what some of the previous owners images were but they seemed to all revolve around the kitchen.

And a babies hand double exposed onto someone sitting at a kitchen table.

The most identifiable image though is of the consumption of waffles. I’ve cropped the individuals face to protect them in case they have been claiming to be a lifetime member of the Keto diet society (That is not almond flour)

And finally here are the images that I took using the remainder of the roll. Poor quality to be sure but just good enough to show how crappy the lens is as well.