Mar 18 2012

Cell phone images

I’ve reached another milestone with my cell phone pictures on Mytubo I’ve garnered the support of 1000 people.  What this means is that whenever I post an image these people have chosen to have it show up for them to see.  1000 may not seem like that much if you were using Instagram as the bench mark but within Mytubo that’s pretty good.  Here is a zoomable sampling of some of my recent images.  Unfortunately or not you don’t get to read my sometimes witty titles though.

Aug 8 2011

Satchel (22″ x 40″) Deepzoom image.

With “Satchel” I’ve created a framework for a narrative without leading to a specific one.  The viewer is needed to complete the work, bringing their own experiences and visual memory.

In order to see the entire image and get a sense of the scale you will need to go to the deep zoom version of the image here.  Satchel

Aug 3 2010

Living Room

Living Room Zoom

Here is another attempt at dealing with images that require a scale greater than what a web browser generally affords.  By clicking on the thumbnail you can navagate into the image and pan and zoom.

Jun 23 2010

When a subject is just too big.

There was a tree that I wanted to take a picture of and I knew it was going to be just too big to capture in one image at the sort of resolution that I wanted.  So I took multiple high resolution images with the intent of stitching them together in the computer.  This leaves me with a new dilemma though, how to convey the size of the tree to a viewer on the Internet.  I could have attempted to include something in the frame to give scale “Here Bessy, here Bessy…” but cows are notoriously bad at taking directions and even then I’m not sure the impact could still be carried through with a small image.  So I’ve essentially taken control of the viewing experience and am presenting the picture in the form of a video.

And just to prove my point about impact here is a small web friendly version of the image.