Infrared with the Sony DSC-V3
I’ve added a neutral density and a 715 nm filter to the front of my sony DSC-V3 so that I can use it as an infrared camera in daylight. The camera is otherwise unmodified and I shoot in “Nightshot” mode.
I’ve added a neutral density and a 715 nm filter to the front of my sony DSC-V3 so that I can use it as an infrared camera in daylight. The camera is otherwise unmodified and I shoot in “Nightshot” mode.
Just some fern photographs taken locally. It was a nice walk but at the last minute I decided to leave my DA* 35 macro ltd. at home and use an old Takumar-A 28-80 zoom. This lens also has a macro setting but isn’t in the same league as the prime lens.
Well I found an image of a waterfall that would work for the idea I have (one third of the image under water) however I don’t remember exactly where I took the picture 🙂 I have a vague idea that it is in the Chehalis river area and that I used my Rollieflex. So I believe a hike will be in order soon.
At the recent Vancouver camera show I aquired a Fujica 35 SE rangefinder. I had an opportunity yesterday to shoot a roll of film through it and am very impressed by the sharpness of the images. It has a f=4.5cm 1:2.8 Lens. The coupled exposure meter doesn’t appear to be accurate but because it is fully manual I just used my best available exposure meter (guessametering).
Fujica SE 35 rangefinder