
The super A is a heavy camera at 810 grams and that is without the lightmeter on top which weighs an additional 135 grams. The shutter ranges from 1 to 1/400 sec however the 1/400 second setting is nearly hidden on the dial and is not available when using the light meter. It does have interchangeable lenses, I only have the one 50mm f2 which is a reasonable performer even wide open. The other lenses are quite rare. The 50mm f2.0 provides a smooth out of focus area often referred to as bokeh just outside of the area of focus but distant out of focus areas are quite nervous looking. This look is distinct from what you get from modern lenses. Its effect can be seen best in the image of the railroad.

The apertures are set at definitive click stops and at f5.6 and f8 produce an interesting aperture shape that looks like a 10 pointed star.

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Some images from my Braun Super Paxette using Kodak Gold film. Once again (Let the light shine on you) I opened the back of the camera before fully rewinding the film. Its always a risk that your going to lose what would otherwise have been a good image but on the other hand there is something about the act of exposing film in this way and inserting another degree of randomness to the process. Seeing images effected in this way is a reminder of the underlying process of image making and that the images themselves are merely a representation of reality.
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I love this little bit of advertising copy Sigma gave about the 28 AF Zoom and its siblings.
Sigma gives its cameras a touch, exclusive “ZEN” finish which is not only scratch-resistant but is also non-reflective and non-slip. The “ZEN” finish will retain its looks almost forever: your Sigma camera will always look as new even after many years of faithful service.
Every one of these cameras that I have happened across has had a defining attribute, they are sticky. They didn’t start out that way of course but over time whatever that “ZEN” material is it has turned into a gummy mess that will pick up anything loose it comes into contact with. The lens on the AF 28 Zoom goes from 28mm to 50mm or 1.78X which isn’t that impressive, but I do like 28mm. To fill out your focal lengths Sigma also offered the AF Super Zoom 70 that had a 35-70mm lens and the AF Super Zoom 100 with its 50-100mm zoom. That way you could have 3 cameras stuck together.
The Sigma 28AF Zoom lens provides apertures of f4.2-f7 across the zoom range but with a high level of vignetting. Lets face it the camera is as ugly as the images it produces and using it leaves you with a feeling that soap just doesn’t seem to be able to wash away.
One thing about one camera: Despite being an automatic exposure, autofocus point and shoot the Sigma 28 AF Zoom has an external flash shoe that works with almost any flash whether its sticky or not.
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