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Baby Bessa

This is the eighth post I have done with the Voigtlander Bessa 46 which is roughly one per year that I’ve been blogging.  That seems about right as every so often I think to myself what camera haven’t I used in awhile that I want to use.  I think that the reasons I enjoy using the […]

Voigtlander Bessa 46 2014

The perfect pocketable medium format camera the Voigtlander Bessa 46.  When it comes down to it despite having many different cameras there are always a few that I turn to again and again and this is one of those.  I love the look of it and the results it gives.  I have literally walked around with it in […]

Voigtlander Bessa 46 (Baby Bessa)

Q: Are the images sharp?  A: Like a razor left in the rain for two years Q: Are they free of camera shake?  A: No I drink a lot of coffee Q. Is the lens distortion free? A: Like a Salvidor Dali painting Q: Why do you use it then? A: Because it was there, it’s a […]

Voigtlander Bessa July 2012

One more post of images from The Museum of Anthropology as well as a few other images from that roll.  These were shot with my Baby Bessa which is one of my favorite camera’s    Voigtlander Baby Bessa  Voigtlander Baby Bessa Sample images Voigtlander Baby Bessa June 2011 Baby Bessa  

Baby Bessa

Just some images from my Voigtlander Bessa 46 the“Baby Bessa”.  Using these old cameras does make you think about what you are doing.  There is no point and shoot nature about it.  As an aside I just had a look on Camera-pedia and saw that the image that is being used for the Bessa 46 is […]

Voigtlander Baby Bessa June 2011

A couple images from the last week with my Baby Bessa.

Voigtlander Baby Bessa Sample images

Previously I described the Baby Bessa and it’s workings.  Now for some examples.  I’ve included the film edge around the image so you can get a full sense of the  aspect ratio.  The film used was Kodak Ektar 100.  I used what could be arguably the best light meter in the world a DSLR, It’s […]

Voigtlander Baby Bessa (Bessa 46)

This could also be titled the camera that makes you ask “Did I advance the film?”  This is a medium format camera that you can actually put in a pocket, as I do.  It folds so compactly and flat that it can be easy placed in cargo pants pockets or a jacket.  The main drawback […]


“I’m so young and you’re so old”-Paul Anka No not that Diana, the made in Hong Kong plastic nearly everything camera of the early 1960’s.  I spotted this camera in an antique store.  It was absolutely the worst camera I have ever seen, so I bought it.  It really can be distilled down to this, […]