Mar 20 2010


Mar2010_X700_010I don’t know what is so appealing about paint flaking off a sign but it does embody the passage of time.  OK two plays on words in one sentence that must be a record for me.

Mar 15 2010

You paint like your scraping dog $#@t off your shoe

I was reminded of that remark one of my college painting instructors made when I found myself scrubbing a brush nearly devoid of paint across a canvas.  I really should have thanked him at the time.  My dutiful response then was to make my next painting look like it was sculped from butter.  Now I don’t care so much, but I do love thick creamy paint, more placed on the canvas than painted, mmmm butter.


Mar 13 2010

Made in Occupied Japan

Despite the effort to find time and the struggle to know when to stop I have managed to complete the first painting from my latest series.  I originally came up with the idea in November of 2009 so at this rate it would take awhile.  Fortunately now that I have the basic look and feel set out future paintings, in theory, should “develop” faster.
