Agfa CRD Duplicating film

I’m often looking at ways to take photography to the extremes of what it can do. In that spirit I exposed a roll of Agfa CRD duplicating film at 12 ISO and used neutral density filters in some cases to achieve long exposures in daylight. The first one in the gallery was 4 minutes for example while this image bellow represents the same scene at 1/4 of a second

f3.5 1/4 second

So much time recorded on one frame of film of course requires a sturdy tripod and to maximize the effect I have included a static object in most of the scenes. I think this would be a fun experiment to conduct with people instead of water and maybe that’s what I will do with my remaining roll.

As a duplicating film it is designed for tungsten lighting at 3200K so images shot under daylight have a blueish cast.

The cast became even more extreme with some of the longer exposures and since I did not use any filter compensation while shooting I made some colour balance adjustments when scanning. As a positive slide film I processed it using E6 chemistry. Having such a slow speed film was a nice change of pace and a fun experiment.

2 Responses to “Agfa CRD Duplicating film”

  • Dh Says:

    Excellent shots , which of your 150,000 cameras took these ?

  • Wallace Says:

    It may be slightly less than 150,000 but I used my Pentax MZ-6 for this roll. One reason was that I was using a Pentax K-3 digital camera as a light meter and they both share the same remote release and lenses.

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