Agfa Vista plus 200 in the Pentax MZ-6


As much as I like using rangefinders and small cameras there is a reason that the single lens reflex cameras dominated photography from the 1970’s on.  The versatility of being able to see the actual image to be captured in the viewfinder allows for more focal lengths and options.  And once autofocus was achieved through the lens the deal was sealed.  It’s because of all the technological refinements that happened to SLR’s that when I want to ensure I achieve a certain result I turn to one.  In this case I wanted to eliminate the variability of the camera when I was evaluating Agfa Vista plus 200 film.  The grain is certainly not the finest like Kodak Ektar 100 but it is also not objectionable. Colour mottling is mostly visible in the shadows or under exposed areas, given enough light the grain becomes almost imperceptible. One thing AGFA Vista 200 has going for it is it is very inexpensive and it’s nice to have a choice of film between 100 and 400ASA.


A full size crop from the center of one of the gallery images to show the grain from a slightly under exposed image

I feel that I can extract somewhere in the neighborhood of an equivalent to a 12mpixel image from a 35mm negative. The colours are accurate perhaps with the exception of some reds and the exposure latitude is very good like most colour negative film.
A closer look at the film can be seen here Agfa Vista 200