Agfa Vista plus 200
Agfa Vista plus 200 is an inexpensive C41 film (approx $2.50 per roll of 36 exposures) but don’t let the price fool you it’s actually a really good film. For most of the images the colour was very accurate it only had trouble reproducing some reds particularly the red wildflowers. I can’t really eliminate my V700 scanner from the equation so it could play a small factor in that and the film is also said to be geared towards natural skin tone reproduction so that also could play a part in the rendering of the reds.. Here are a couple of colour mixing charts that I shot with Agfa Vista plus 200 (seen on the left) and my Pentax K-3 DSLR (on the right). I also found that the colours had a muted pastel look that sometimes required a little extra saturation during post processing. If you want image perfection you shouldn’t be shooting film anyway but if you want the look of film and you want it cheap this film is perfect.