Yashica T4 Zoom
My second go around with the Yashica T4 zoom with some better film, Kodak Portra 400 to be precise. You can see my previous post about this camera here Yashica T4 Zoom with some information about how to set it to spot focus and other things. So I wont go into that on this post. What I will reiterate is that the Yashica T4 zoom has a 28-70mm f4.5 to f8.0 lens comprised of seven elements in six groups. With better film and some decent light I found that the lens produced nice sharp images. At the wide end of 28mm there is distortion in the corners and vignetting as well but overall the results are very good for a point and shoot. One thing that is hard to quantify is the feel of the camera in use and for this the T4 Zoom is above average. It sits nicely in one hand and feels secure with the rubber ridge on the front. Without this its ‘bar of soap’ design might make it prone to dropping. As it is though it slips nicely into a pocket or small space in a camera bag yet handles well. There may be a little of a halo effect with this camera sporting the T4 and Zeiss badge but in reality it is just a good point and shoot not something that stands out above the rest of the crowd or warrants an exorbitant premium price.