The Minolta Talker
The Minolta Talker has a limited vocabulary but just enough to be annoying. I’m sure that in 1984 it was quite the novelty just like the Chrysler K car being able to tell you that your door was ajar or did it actually think your door was a jar?
So what does it have to say? I’m glad you asked. It has three different things it says: Load Film, Too dark use flash, Check Distance all in its annoying you don’t know what your doing “voice” thankfully you can turn it off.
What about the Minolta Talker itself, well it has a lens cover that clips on the front of the camera something that could be easily lost. The lens is a 35mm f2.8 4 element lens which shouldnt be judged from these images shot on expired Fuji Xtra 400. The lens is actually as good as its ability to speak is ridiculous.
One thing about one camera: The Minolta Talker (Minolta AF-Sv) has a maximum shutter speed of 1/625 of a second which was faster than any other similar camera from the time.