Disposible film camera harvest
Disposable cameras have their place but nestled inside them can be some fun random films. I acquired a few similar disposable cameras of dubious quality so I decided to rip one open and pull out its heart. Mentioned previously here Thrift Store Disposable.
The first thing you need to do though is get the film back into the canister. The way that disposable cameras work is that rather than a separate rewind action all the film starts outside the canister and is wound back in as you advance the film. I accomplished this, without taking unwanted pictures, by winding and tripping the shutter while the camera was inside my changing bag. Any suitably dark sack will do or even a finger over the lens.
With the expired Italian film recovered from the Chinese camera I put it into my Japanese Yashica GX and here is what I got shooting around my neck of the Canadian woods.
One last thing I found when taking the film out of the developing tank was that a short piece of dummy film was taped to the end presumably to maximize every piece of emulsion that gets exposed.