Konica 1

Konica1_Jan2015-018 Konica1_Jan2015-024

My Konica 1 rangefinder dates from around 1949, I doubt anyone 66 years gave any thought to it still being viable this far into the future.  I can’t imagine any of my current digital cameras being useful beyond wedging a door open in half that length of time. But it is useful primarily because of its simplicity of design. Much like most folding medium format cameras the lens and shutter are autonomous in operation from the rest of the camera. A little island unto themselves. Because of this setting and tripping the shutter is independent of advancing the film. I use this fact to do multiple exposures and partial film advances. It seems to be a well suited niche for it. Without any type of built-in metering it is necessary to determine your exposure either with a light meter, guesstimating or my person favourite using a digital camera set to the same ISO as the film I am using.  This not only can provide you with settings guidelines it allows a little bit of a compositional preview.