Fuji Epion 3000ix Zoom
There were two versions of this camera the Epion 3500ix and this the 3000ix. The former had a detachable controller that also doubled as a lens cover or a wireless remote or could be clicked to the back making it like the 3000ix. The fixed back is better if you don’t want to lose the half that controls everything or the half that takes the pictures. The reason I like these cameras (APS taken into consideration) is the 21mm wide-angle. The full size of an APS film image is the H format or 30mm x 16.2mm so using the Pythagorean theorem c = sqrt { a^2 + b^2 } . we get a diagonal of 34.1mm While 35mm film has a diagonal of around 43.3mm. If we take the larger size and divide it by the smaller diagonal we get a value of 1.26 This is our ‘crop factor’ between the two film formats (Most people just round it to 1.3). So the 21mm of the Fuji is equivalent to a 26.7mm lens on a 35mm film camera. Okay there is a problem with all this in that the aspect rations are different but if you want to argue about that you’re welcome to find a camera forum, pretty much anyone will do. I also like the 16×9 aspect ratio which I may have mentioned on a few previous occasions.
I should probably mention that the film I used was just some random stuff I had. Some images even look like they have a 32 colour pallette I cant expain that. I even tried two different methods one of them my Pentax K-3 with plenty of dynamic range. There just wasn’t much information captured in the film itself resulting in this ‘analog’ banding which I like.